2019 California MAS Wrestling Championship (Novice/Masters/Open)

The 2nd Annual 805 SUMMER JAM

996 Lawrence Drive, Newbury Park, California

July 6-7, 2019



Saturday July 6

4:00 – 5:00PM:   Early Weigh-In and Registration California Armlifting and MAS Wrestling Championships

Sunday July 7, 2019


2019 California MAS Wrestling Championship for NOVICE, Masters and Open Categories

This tournament is intended for first time and newcomers to the sport.  Athlete with significant

experience will compete in separate categories.  Athletes will compete in double elimination type

tournament multiple weight categories (exact format to be determined based on number athletes entered

in each weight category).  Each match is best two of three bouts, athletes seeded based on overall

standing.  MEN’s weight categories are – 60kg, 70 kg, 80kg, 90kg, 105kg, 125kg, and 125kg+; WOMEN’s

weight categories are –55kg, 65kg, 75kg, 85kg and 85kg+.  We will also offer Masters’ Divisions for men

(40+) and women (40+).  Weight/age categories with 2 or less athletes merged with next higher weight

category; weight categories with 3-5 athletes conducted in Round Robin format; and weight categories

with 6 or more athletes conducted in a Double Elimination format to be determined based on number of

athletes competing in a weight category.


AWARDS:              1st – 3rd in each weight category


ENTRY FEES:         $20 (Novice athletes need not be MAS Wrestling USA member)


ENTRY FORM:       http://www.oddehaugen.com/805-summer-jam-registration-form/


                              (MAS Wrestling USA only $30 per year).  https://maswrestlingusa.com/membership-form


ENTRY DEADLINE:              June 16, 2019 (Tournament Seeding will be by random draw)

Hotel Information: 

  • Courtyard Thousand Oaks Ventura County for 104 USD – 119 USD per night

Book your group rate for Annual Summer Jam Event 

10:00AM:  MAS Wrestling Tournament Start (Preliminary Rounds)


12:45PM:  California MAS Wrestling Championship (Final Rounds)


3:30PM:  Award Ceremony